You have to consider a number of different factors to determine if your electric bill is too high. Unfortunately, people in many states don’t get a choice no matter what their bill is. They just have to pay it or their lights will go out. You have been given the power to make a choice because of Texas energy deregulation. That means, when you look at that monthly statement, you can ask yourself, is my electric bill too high? If the answer is yes, you can actually do something about it.


“To figure out why your electric bill is so high, the first thing you need to do is to figure out what’s normal.” (Bluejay) Just what is normal in the state of Texas? According to several studies, the average household will pay a little more than $160 a month. Now, compare your own statement to that average. Is it much higher? Is your electric bill too high? If so, then the first thing you need to do is decide if you are using the right electric service provider.


Since you have a choice in electric companies, it never hurts to do a little comparison anyway. You may be able to save money and you could even choose a service provider that offers green energy for an added advantage.


Some people in Texas didn’t even know they had a choice, but that’s what deregulation did. It made things so that you actually get a choice in energy. You don’t have to settle for whatever company is dictated to you. If your electric bill is too high, then this is a very good reason to make a change.


You can look at electric companies in a few different ways. Start by comparing rates. That will be important. However, when you do this, be careful. Some companies charge variable rates while others are fixed. You obviously cannot compare the two. You also need to be careful and watch for rate changes after a time period, fees, and other expenses that could affect the bottom line.


Is your electric bill too high? You wouldn’t be the only person in this country with that complaint. However, because you live in Texas, it’s actually something you can change. All you have to do is start comparing different companies and determine if there is a way to save money by making a change. It’s just that easy.