While shopping for electricity services, you need to understand the choices available in order to find the best electricity provider in Texas. However, with many suppliers offering varied plans to woo customers, it often becomes a daunting task to select the right one. So, here are some aspects that you should consider to make a wise decision:


Types of electricity rates

Your quest of finding the best electricity provider in Texas starts with identifying the electricity rates best suited for your needs. Usually, Texas electricity suppliers offer three types of electricity plans namely fixed, variable, and green energy . While a fixed electricity rate usually remains the same during the entire term of your contract (though minor exceptions may be there), a variable rate can fluctuate every month based on the method selected by the Retail Electric Provider (REP). Green energy or renewable energy plans are offered to promote a greener planet and carbon offset solutions.  


Fixed rates would help you to keep your power costs within your budget as you are certain of paying a fixed rate as long as your contract is valid. However, in case market prices fall, you won’t be able to enjoy the slashed rates until your existing contract expires. Though indexed and variable electricity rates can be beneficial during price falls, you may end up paying more every time there is a price rise due to natural disasters, extreme weather conditions, or market conditions. So, while selecting the best electricity provider in Texas, make sure that you understand how the rates can change and what factors can trigger such change, and then assess what is right for your needs.


Green/Renewable Energy Options

The best electricity provider in Texas should ideally have a substantial amount of its electricity generated by renewable resources, like hydroelectricity, wind, landfill gas, solar, geothermal, or biomass. Some REPs may even use natural gas, which is considered to be a clean and green fuel. So, if you want to contribute to the environmental cause while choosing your Texas electricity suppliers, remember to find providers who use these green/renewable resources when researching your options.


Contracts and Terms

While some Texas electricity suppliers may offer you "month-to-month" plans, where no minimum contact period exists, some others may have plans with contract periods as long as three years or even more. In case of the latter ones, you may have to pay a penalty if you opt out of the plan before the contract period ends. So, understanding how your electricity prices will change at the end of the contract period and asking about the terms of penalty would be a prudent choice to avoid legal/monetary complications.


Electric Assistance Programs

Some states like Texas offer different types of assistance programs for customers who are disabled, aged, belong to the low-income group, or are victims of family violence. It’s most likely that your electricity provider can provide you additional details regarding this program.


So, assess a utility supplier on all these aspects to find the best electricity provider in Texas.


About Shop Texas Electricity- Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas. Learn more about Shop Texas Electricity by visiting us at www.ShopTexasElectricity.com