Shop Texas Electricity

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Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas.

  20 Simple Tips to Conserve Energy

We have the power to reduce the amount of energy we use without changing our lifestyle. Simple changes around your home will increase savings and help the environment.

Energy Conservation Tips –

1.     It does not take the highest temperature to get hot water from the water heater. Adjust your settings as needed.

2.     Ensure your AC and heater get an annual checkup. Change filters regularly. Buy Energy Star appliances they use less energy and save you money.

3.     A change in your diet can save you on cooking energy costs. A shift to a vegetarian diet consisting of fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables would not only require minimal energy but would also be good for the body.

4.     Cut down on your TV time. Read books. This would not only be good on your pocket and – but it would also be good for your overall well-being as well.

5.     The attic is one source of cold temperature during the winter months or hot temperature during summer. You can save on heating or air-conditioning costs by properly insulating the attic.

6.     Reduce hot air accumulating in the home during summer by installing exhaust or attic fans.

7.     Set your thermostat to comfortable levels during winter or summer. Avoid setting it to extremes during these seasons. It would also be good to use a programmable unit so you can set it before and after people arrive in your home.

8.     Avoid making abrupt and extreme changes to thermostat settings. This will only waste energy.

9.     Use energy-efficient CFLs or Compact Fluorescent Bulbs instead of standard light bulbs. CFL bulbs last longer and use less energy.

10.                       Choose appliances with the Energy Star label to ensure usage of more energy-efficient equipments.

11.                       Set your air conditioners to comfortable levels only and avoid setting them to extremes. Your cooling unit’s efficiency will also increase through proper cleaning of filters and regular maintenance.

12.                       The location of your air conditioner is important. If placed directly under the sun’s path, the unit will have the tendency to be overworked and would consume more energy.

13.                       Keep the sun off your houses back by planting shade trees to block the sun’s rays from windows and your roof.

14.                       If your roof needs to be replaced replace it with a more energy-efficient/sun-reflecting material.

15.                       Cover your windows with drapes; this will help prevent cold or hot air in depending on the season.

16.                       Front loading washing machines consume less energy and water than standard top-loading units so it would be wise to invest in one.

17.                       Run your dryer with a full load. If possible dry your clothes outside.

18.                       Turn off the lights when leaving a room will help save a considerable amount of energy in the long run.

19.                       Participate in the energy audit/savings programs offered by your electricity company.

20.                       Don’t leave cell phones and or laptops on charge unnecessarily.

If you live in Texas, New York and or any other state where electricity is deregulated you can shop for an electricity provider with a lower rate.

About Shop Texas Electricity- Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas. Learn more about Shop Texas Electricity by visiting us at


Helpful Tips to Save Energy at Home


Customers today have the power to select to be more energy efficient. And the good thing is they don’t have to participate in a green rally or spend a lot of money to be more sensitive towards the environment. A 2009 report from McKinsey & Co. indicates that adopting energy efficient systems could save U.S. $1.2 trillion.


 Focusing on this area will help the country to cut down about 23 percent of its energy demand by 2020 and prevent the emissions of 1.1 gigatons of greenhouse gases on an annual basis, This article offers some useful tips and suggestions to make you home more energy efficient and enable you to save money on your energy bills.


1.      Don’t keep appliances on standby- Most people do not turn off the TVs, DVDs and other appliances properly. Energy wasted in this manner can power thousands of homes. Remote control will not switch off electronic devices completely and so you need to get up from your couch to shut off the power switch.


2.      Avoid overcharging- Many products need regular charging and often these products are left to be charged for more time than required. Leaving the phones or other gadgets connected to the power source for a long period is a sure way to waste electricity. Keep an eye on these charging gadgets and unplug them as soon they are charged. Try not to leave your house while they are being charged.


3.      Saving energy during Summers- Texas electricity consumption increases during our hot and humid summer months. Increase your thermostat by 1-2 degrees to enjoy a cut in your electricity bills. It is unlikely that you will notice the difference in cooling but it can make a significant difference (up to 10 percent) in your electricity bills.


4.      Using refrigerators to save energy at home- If you want to put that freshly baked chocolate cake in the fridge, wait till it is cooled down properly. If you keep hot or warm food in the refrigerator it will use more electricity to cool it down. Curb your urge to ‘finish your work’ soon and don’t keep the food inside till you are sure about its temperature.


5.      Lighting- You can either switch to using energy efficient light bulbs in your homes and if you live in Texas search for cheap electricity rates. Typically, the cost to light a home contributes to about 20 per cent of its electricity bill. You should remember to switch off the lights when you leave the room and install energy saving light bulbs in your home. The power saved in this way can light several homes and reduce carbon footprint of your city.


 These are only few suggestions and you can do a number of ‘green’ activities to save energy at your home. As a customer you also have the power to select appliances that have the ENERGY STAR symbol. First announced in 1992 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this initiative helps in the identification and promotion of products that are energy efficient.


About Shop Texas Electricity- Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas. Learn more about Shop Texas Electricity by visiting us at ShopTexasElectricity
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